Space Orbit City", which is about 1600 light-years away from the "Oeter Cloud Space Transmission Station".
The 083rd station is the "Lyra Space Orbit City" about 1700 light-years away from the "Oeter Cloud Space Teleportation Station".
The 084th station is the "North America Nebula Space Orbit City" about 1,800 light-years away from the "Oeter Cloud Space Transmission Station".
The 085th station is the "Pelican Nebula Space Orbit City" about 1900 light-years away from the "Oort Cloud Space Teleportation Station".
The 086th station is the "Pelican Nebula Yi Space Orbit City", which is about 2000 light-years away from the "Oeter Cloud Space Teleportation Station".
The 087th station is the "Pelican Nebula II Space Orbit City" about 2,100 light-years away from the "Oort Cloud Space Teleportation Station".
The 088th station is the "Pelican Nebula Mountain Space Orbit City", which is about 2200 light-years away from the "Oeter Cloud Space Transmission Station".
The 089th station is the "Whirlpool Space Orbit City" about 2,300 light-years away from the "Oort Cloud Space Teleportation Station",
The 090th station is the "Ring Nebula Space Orbit City" about 2,400 light-years away from the "Otter Cloud Space Transmission Station".
The 091st station is the "Rectangular Nebula Space Orbit City" about 2,500 light-years away from the "Oeter Cloud Space Transmission Station".
The 092nd station is the "Rectangular Nebula Yi Space Orbit City" which is about 2600 light-years away from